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NotifAide and NotifAideMoi applications


These 2 mobile applications are part of a strategy to optimize the help of volunteers to people who needs help.


These applications are not mandatory; its use is on a voluntary basis.


These applications are not ANONYMOUS : Personal information as : first name, last name,  password, telephone number, email address, postal address, gender, ID to match QR Codes ( No geolocation)  will be requested or collected to use the application.

The only information requested is that required to send a notification is according to the criteria requested by volunteers organizations.


The information requested is :

-  In which district volunteer is ready to help.

-  What types of help he is able to give

-  How many hours he can help




This application allows its users, volunteers ( NotifAide) , and beneficiaries ( NotifAideMoi) to:


- To be informed when people ( beneficiaries) needs an help

- Decide if they want to come and give the help

- Receive an appointment confirmation number to go to the site where the help is needed, if they have agreed to come.

- To obtain instructions where to meet.

- To give a notation of the service after the help has been done : The beneficiary give a note to the volunteer, after to have received the service. For that, the user on NotiAideMoi app, will scan with its camera the QR code of the volunteer, which is seen on the NotifAide app of the volunteer.

Reciproquely : The volunteer give a note to the beneficiary, after to have given the service. For that, the user on NotiAide app, will scan with its camera the QR code of the beneficiary, which is seen on the NotifAideMoi app of the beneficiary.



  1. Purposes and person in charge of processing


This application, the development of which has been entrusted to BLE-Network (9303-9121 Québec inc), is placed under the responsibility of each organization of each region, in charge to register volunteers and register beneficiaries locally.


The purpose of this processing is :


1° Informing by notification a person using the NotifAideMoi application in order to propose him to come and give help, at the last minute.

2° If the person using the application agrees to come to help before a certain time, then he or she will receive a confirmation number and instructions.

3° Each volunteer and beneficiary center will be able to access the anonymous information of the volunteers to be able to welcome them on their sites.

This information, which is accessible through a secure portal at the reception stations of each volunteer and beneficiary center, includes


  • Last Name, First Name, phone number, Email address

 Appointment confirmation number

- Phone language

- The age range of the application user who received notifications

- The time and minute that the user's response was recorded

- The maximum time expected to receive the volunteer.


This information is only available on the volunteer sites for the time necessary to receive the last-minute help.


4° The realization of anonymous statistics for improvement of performance and user experience


5° This statistical information, aggregated, is accessible by each volunteers site .



2. Personal data processed in the NotifAide and NotifAideMoi  applications and data deletion.

2.1Retention period


For the elaboration of anonymous statistics: the data is kept for the duration of the contracts with volunteers organization and a maximum of 12 months.


2.2 Exercise of rights


The deletion of data is processed within 24 to 48 hours following the request. This minimum delay of 24 hours is necessary to avoid modifying the appointment lists during the course of the help.


The rights of access, rectification and limitation can be exercised . Exercising these rights would require identification of the person concerned.

However, each user can, at any time, proceed to the deletion of data on the mobile application. 

A button to delete his data is on the support page of NotifAide application and also on the support page of NotifAideMoi application.

He can also proceed to the deletion of the data present on the central server by unsubscribing with the Button; Delete my data then by uninstalling the application.


The deletion of data is processed within 24 to 48 hours following the request. This minimum delay of 24 hours is necessary to avoid modifying the lists of appointments during vaccination.


If you have any questions about the processing of your data in this system, you can send an e-mail to


If you feel that the processing does not comply with data protection rules, you can send a complaint by e-mail to

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