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Register as a beneficiary of the service.
When you create your account as a beneficiary of the NotifV help service, you enter an account and password, then your e-mail address.
You'll receive a confirmation request, and you'll be granted access to the beneficiary pages. This account and password will be valid on the NotifV site from a computer, tablet or smartphone. If you forget your password at a later date, click on forgotten password.
You'll receive a confirmation request, and you'll be granted access to the beneficiary pages. This account and password will be valid on the NotifV site from a computer, tablet or smartphone. If you forget your password at a later date, click on forgotten password.

Reuse an existing site (Location)
When you ask for help from volunteers or people who are willing to help you on the same day, in exchange for financial compensation, you need to make sure that they can get to the precise location where you have arranged for them to meet you. The site is the meeting place. Before entering the information for this location, you can check whether it has already been created by another person. This will just enable you to add a few details to your requests, e.g. apartment number, floor, etc.

If not, create a new site.
The site (location) you're going to create is completely defined, with the address, additional information and location (Latitude, Longitude), so that volunteers who need to come and find you don't get lost and get the location on a map after your request has been accepted by the volunteer.
When you send notifications to all the volunteers who match your help criteria, you'll be able to choose from a drop-down menu which site you'd like the volunteer to come to.
When you send notifications to all the volunteers who match your help criteria, you'll be able to choose from a drop-down menu which site you'd like the volunteer to come to.

Check whether a notification to be duplicated already exists.
If you've never run a notification campaign to invite volunteers to come and help you, then go straight to the Notification page to create your first request. On the other hand, often your requests will be identical or almost identical, in which case, search your existing notification campaigns to edit the one you want to redo, and save time by changing the times only.

Otherwise, create a new notification
To create a notification campaign, you need to follow the whole page's choice requests, without forgetting a single criterion. Then you must check if the text of the notification has been created, and which will be sent, complies with your request, then click on send the notification. Applications are for same day assistance. It is important to choose until what time volunteers can respond to your request. On average, keep 1 hour on average between the time you want the volunteer to come, and the time you stop accepting volunteers. This allows you not to wait until the last minute and have a fallback solution.

Know the list of volunteers who will come.
What interests you the most when you need help immediately or on the same day, and knowing who responded positively to your request, at what time he confirmed his arrival, and what is the code that will allow you to identify him, as well as his first name and his telephone number to reach him if you do not see him arriving. To do this, enter the start and end dates of your campaigns, the meeting place and all positive responses will be displayed. If no one has accepted your offer within the maximum response time that you set in the notification campaign, then the list will be empty. You will have to find an alternative solution...
Do not hesitate to contact us or chat with us, to get the answer to your questions. Below is the answer to the main questions.

Your access as customer admin.
When you are part of the organization that manages volunteers and allows its beneficiaries to use the NotifV notification service, you register as a member. As you are known to Ble-network, you receive a confirmation email and after verification, a client administrator role will be granted to you. You therefore have access to pages that are specific to administrators, and your account and password can be used on the online site from your computer, tablet or mobile.

Look for existing volunteers in your organization.
You can manage the accounts of your volunteers and modify or delete them. First, if the volunteer has already been accredited by your organization, you can do a search, then edit their profile. If it's a new volunteer, you must create their profile, and give them access to the NotifV or NotifAide mobile application, in order to allow them to define their interests and receive notifications and confirmations in the event of a request received is accepted by him.

If not, create your new volunteer.
To create a volunteer, you must enter all the information on the page, and allow them to define their choices in the drop-down menus. Then by confirming the request, the volunteer will receive two emails. He must download the IOS or Android application on the mobile stores. Then he must click on the link included in the first email, and enter the 6-digit code received in the second email into the application. He must finally choose his city, the time he has available the same day, the type of activity he is ready to do, the desired compensation (voluntary or paid) and the district where he is available for these actions. of the day. It will receive offers by notification, hence by beneficiaries who have made a request by notification, for the same criteria.

You can search for an existing beneficiary file.
In the event that a beneficiary asks an organization to benefit from the service, the administrator can do a search on the existing beneficiaries, to modify a file or delete it if necessary. In the case where the beneficiary has not been created beforehand, he must create the beneficiary in the beneficiary creation page.

Search and edit a site common to several beneficiaries.
The organization administrators are in charge of creating the main sites that are used by several beneficiaries. This search page makes it possible to list the common sites, from the email of one of the beneficiaries. The site thus listed can be edited or deleted, in the event that it no longer exists. If the common site that the administrator wants to create has never been created before, he must then create a new one in the Site by admin page.

Otherwise, create a common site for several beneficiaries.
To create a common site, you must first complete the entire questionnaire, including the latitude, longitude of the site, then you must associate the beneficiaries who will make an appointment for their requests for assistance, in this site there.
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